Thursday, 31 May 2012

Recommendation Station ☼ May 31st 2012

Things I truly and gratefully recommend...
         1. Laughing at the ironicness of 'The Real Housewives of Vancouver'.
Yes, that terrible show on once every week. By ironicness I mean this one woman who complains, "I AM SO POOR!" Then the week after that. "I'm going out for lunch with Mary, I like to fly my plane into the city so I don't have to bother with driving." She lives about one mile outside of the city! If she's poor, I'm barely scraping by.
         2. Southern Gravy & Biscuits
I have family members from the South (they say y'all and EVERYTHING!) and whenever I see them they make homemade gravy and biscuits. The. Best. Frickin'. Food. EVER!!!
         3. Lobster
When this red-hot dish is served with shell crackers and melted butter, it makes the angel's sing while riding down a rainbow on a unicorn pegasus that can play the piccolo.
         4. The sound of a child's laughter
Peter Griffin got something right when he said this is the greatest gift. Plus, they just have hilarious laughs.
         5. Power 97.5
Who doesn't love rock n' roll?? This is a personal favourite of mine, though it sucks that this station doesn't work out here.


Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Blue Foam May 29th 2012

First off, I'd like to begin by saying, It's my birthday. YAAAAYYY!!!

This story starts in a world many galaxies away, a young leviathan* was roaming the ocean floor, his patience dropping. His mother had gone out to get pepperoni hot pockets TWO DAYS AGO! Now two days later, she still hasn't arrived. Ah! There she is now!
"Mother! I have been starving for days! Where are my frickin' hot pockets!," the prince bellowed, shaking the ocean floor. The mother, queen Tabithia, sighed, "Here, dear." He rummaged through the bag and shrieked, "ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE???! I SAID PEPPERONI HOT POCKETS!" Queen Tabithia sighed and said in a quiet, shaky voice, "No, dear." She slowly swam away. The prince was enveloped with rage, how dare she not follow my orders? I'm the man! I'm stronger than she is, my cranium is larger, and I am more likely to go to prison, I AM THE MAN!!

Meanwhile, Queen Tabithia was silently sobbing in her room. Her son is a no-good lying b*stard, but she lets him be one. "Well I could..... NO NO," she thought shaking her head, "that'd be insane, but, still...."

She didn't need much prodding when she made up her mind....

"PRINCE IS DEAD!", a newspaper boy shouted," READ ALL ABOUT IT!!"....

As you could guess, the messenger of the prince killed him. Would you like to know how? The answer was blue foam.

* A giant sea creature with glowing eyes and a nasty habit of crushing ships and devouring ocean-going humans. With its enormous body and scaly skin, Leviathan is usually referred to as a giant monstrous fish, but is also commonly described as a serpent, crocodile or marine mammal.


Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Day's of the Week Personalities April 24 2012

The blog prompt tells us to name the days of the week as personalities.
Many of us are aware of the rhyme 'Monday's Child' by A. E Brays
          Monday's child is fair of face

Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay
Just so you know 'Sabbath Day' (in religious terms) is Sunday, traditionally a day of worship. But, in my books, the days of personalities go as follows.
  •    Monday is a grumpy businesswoman. She walks up and down the hallways and sidewalks, high heels clacking, screaming into her mobile phone, and (if outside) her hair blows out behind her. She pretty much ruins everyone lives, causes stress, and everyone is scared to speak up to her. She's just there, much to everyone's dislike. Her clothes are a mixture of Marc Jacobs, Prada, and Gucci and she prefers Louis Vuitton $650 handbags to WalMart briefcases at a price of $35. Blackberries are her phone of choice, and despite the rumours of a childcare facility in the basement of her multimillion dollar company, her and her employees look like they've never given birth to anything. Never mind a child.
  •    Tuesday is a timid old grandmother. She sits in her rocking chair by the fire, quietly knitting, biting her bitter tongue. She is just in the background, not a big force behind things. She has many ideas and complaints, but she holds it back to keep herself under radar. Her thrift-store muumuu hides her flabby body figure and she favours socks and sandals (ugh!) on her scraggly feet. A curly snow-white bob sits atop her head, glasses on a string nestles in the soft hair. She talks in a quiet, soft voice, like talking to a wild animal she doesn't wish to harm or frighten.
  •    Wednesday is a happy child. The knowledge of knowing that the weekend is coming near, two days of complete freedom, has it bouncing.
  •    Thursday is a lazy slob. He sits there like a log, he doesn't work and all he does is sleep and eat. Thursday is a very long, tiring day, even if you do nothing. All you think about is our good friend Friday. He has a wife-beater on and wears pregnancy pants since he can't fit regular pants. Beer and fried chicken are his best friends and he has a prominent beer gut. Many people fear he's an alcoholic.
  •    Friday is a tattooed drag queen. A thing you're always amazed to see, even though it comes around once a week for 24 hours.
  •    Saturday is a party-ridden teenager.

PaintSplatter-Topia May 16th 2012

Pretty much the point the picture is making is that school is all organized into a schedule and such and life is a bunch of random paint splatters. Showing that school is nothing like life, which I totally agree with, on the academic side anyway, in life everything is unexpected while in school you know that (FOR EXAMPLE) have biology first then gym and after that math. You have no huge surprises flying at your face, or the uncertainity, you have a set life.
But, life, for example, you never know what's going to happen, you could get hit by a truck tommorow, OR you might save someones life (it just has to work. DURACELL. Trusted Everywhere.)

You didn't see that coming did you?
That was just life flying toward you in the face.

I think all the drama that goes on at school (relationships and such), school is close enough to life. Academics are just fine the way they are.

Monday, 14 May 2012

GOLF_EXTREMENESS! May 10th/14th 2012

Golf is a boring sport that involves a lot of patience and calmness. I have absolutely none of those characteristics in little ole' me. To repeatedly hit a round, white ball with a club into a hole gets quite boring fast, plus the scenery on the golf course never changes. It's always a lake to your right, a sand dune to your left, and a hole in front of you. BORING! So if golf was reinvented, say, into this extreme ultimate sport with cool scenery and random monkeys everywhere it'd be amazing. I still wouldn't play the sport considering, I am definately not the type to join in sports and actually play them, but it'd calm my nerves to watch golf on the television.
So if golf was mixed in with baseball and the whole object is to get the ball into one of the holes without the team catching it. There will be like 5 holes, the size varies, with different points, BUT you only get the point once you get to home base. So you hit the golf ball into say, the biggest hole (worth 1/2 a point) and you run but you only get to second base, you will NOT get that 1/2 point UNTIL you reach home base.

How's that for Extreme Sports?

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Louis Vuitton Central! May 8th 2012

If, as a child, I was bought from a store, and being messed up for the rest of my life, I would've been from Louis Vuitton Paris. Though in any universe will I ever see my mother OR my father in such a place. My dad thinks cords are the fashion statement of the century and my mom wears sweatpants religiously.
Since no fashion genes came from either of my parents, I would've had to learn my fashion from the master himself. I'd think that's mainly the reason for my existence and purchase from a store such as LV P*.
Louis Vuitton Paris
Also, his stuff is gorgeous, though very expensive. See! That's perfect, I always see myself drawn to all the expensive items on store shelves, my mom says I use to rob her wallet when I was younger.

Retail: $4,200.00

Louis Vuitton= expensive $$
Kirstin= expensive $$

We're the perfect match.

*- Louis Vuitton Paris

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

My story that ends in a musical May 2nd 2012

"Listen carefully," he said with a certain steadiness, "This won't be easy for you to hear, but Belicia you lost all probability of ever hearing again." "WHAT?," Belicia spoke loudly, even for a deaf person, her voice booming off the walls. The doctor shook his head sadly and repeated, "You can't hear anything". Belicia looked at him with recognition and said, "Oh, of course, Roger just loves those fancy flying machines with them peanuts everywhere," Belicia said proudly, the doctor looked at her weirdly, but she continued on, "He says, 'Mama, them airplanes are so fun, flying an' such, through them clouds up Hiiiiigh!' and I just say, 'Boy if you ain't seeing God, it ain't worth that funny money.' The Lord is up there watching my boy flying on that death contraption an' he's shaking his head." She looked sad. Wow, the doctor thought, she is a god-fearing woman with just a son to leave. "But," she said loudly, surprising the doctor, "My boy was born an' raised a Christian an' that Lord will save 'im. As long as he says them prayers an' goes to church, which I don't think he's been doin', I love that boy to much to strap 'im, so I guess he's not doin' so good."

She suddenly stood up and rang out, "He ain't doin' so good,"while a bunch of women in Rockette outfits started waltzing into the crowded examining room, singing in sotto voices "He ain't doin' so good". "Oh my boy, Ohhh my boy ain't doin' so good", "No good, No good," followed the women. "He's ain't goin' to church", "No church, Oh no, no, no." the women repeated. "Prays are gone", "Yes gone, oh yes". Roger walked in singing, "Mama, you don't understaaand," while a bunch of firemen walk in singing, "Don't understand". "Boy, I understand too well, Oh yes, you just like your no-good papa." "Just like papa" the women screamed. Roger looked sad and dejected, and left, never to be heard from again.

Belicia Redfern was a religious, Southern woman from Mississippi who died 12 years later at a rock concert in 1969, because she got her hearing back during one of the guitar solos and died from shock.

Typing Tutor Madness May 2nd 2012

My results for Typing Tutor (DRUMROLL PLEASE!! BRRRBRBRBRBRBRBR! DING!) I could type 37 words per minute, I could probably write faster if I knew what I was actually typing. Things like fas,dj, and akkad are words I for one would never use in real life, nor would I think those words in any way,shape,or form.