Thursday, 26 April 2012

The ABSOLUTELY most disgusting thing I have ever consumed April 26, 2012

I'm not quite sure what the most disgusting thing I ever ate was...I usually love whatever food I eat or whatever drink I...well, drink. I don't really have 'UGH! This absolutely terrible, I think I'll retch just thinking about it!' moments, it'd be cool if I could though. Maybe I just have a wide range of likes and a tiny, microscopic range of dislikes (In Food/Drinks anyway).
The most disgusting thing I have ever eaten is (Drumroll Please) (brrrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb....DUM) Tofu. Yes, Tofu, a weird white plastic vegetable thing. It tastes like burning rubber on a hot Wisconsin day. Never mind the taste, think of the tofu itself, beans crushed up into a slimy white cube, wrapped in tinfoil. (Reh!) Or maybe caviar, baby fish eggs. That sandy feeling in your teeth, even a while after eating it, it's almost like you ate a dead turtle salad, the turtle oozing grey-ish white foam everywhere, but instead of lettuce, it's sand.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

OPEN Letters PART UNO! Supposed to be done on April 17th

I'm sending an open letter to a seat belt manufacturer:
Dear Sir or Madam,

Where in the right mind do you think one long piece of thick fabric is going to save lives? Who do you think you are?
Many cons that came with this creation are that (apparently) seat belts are dangerous as well as safe. You can be severely hurt by a seat belt. If you don't put it on correctly and you are in an accident, well, long story short, you're done, absolutely finished. Another is it can be uncomfortable, especially to those with weight issues. And to those who are concerned of the trivial matter of how they look or having 'street cred' will find that wearing a seat belt greatly reduces their 'image'.

Kirstin Jonasson

This letter isn't a insult toward seat belt manufacturers, so if you are a seat belt manufacturer and you're reading this, I am sorry for the pain and anguish I have caused toward your feelings and career. You're cool.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

A really late FRIDAY THE 13TH blog, supposed to be done on April 13th

Well, searching my name on Google, I must be very popular. I'm everywhere. I'm in Arizona, University of Winnipeg, Japan, Ontario, and many other places. I also found my blogger, Facebook, and Google.
With the quotations around my, I'm from Olkahoma and I'm...Dutch? What? This is so cool! I EVEN HAVE TWITTER! I didn't even know that. It even says I was born in 1798 in Finland, and my mom's name is Hertz, AND I got married to a guy with the last name of Rumbo. And I'm on Oh... and I found my article for our February Newsletter, that's creepy. It even says I went to the Arborg Collegiate from 2005-2009.
You see, I'd love to search myself some more, but this is just freaky.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Jennifer Lawrence Kick-A*s Magazines April 11th 2012

3 magazine covers were shown: Seventeen, Glamour, & Rolling Stone. To tell the truth I read two of these, Seventeen and Rolling Stone.
I'd say the 'Seventeen' magazine is targeted towards females in their teens and early twenties, due to the beauty tricks and the BEST JEANS EVER! Who in their thirties (or older) really cares? Nobody I know does. The words to describe her on this cover is, well I can say what she looks like, she looks like she's having fun. She's sort of putting out there, 'Hey! If you do your hair in a (flirty braid, pretty pony, or lush waves), you'll have as much fun as I am having at the moment!'. No offence to any 'Seventeen' readers (me) or the magazine itself, but isn't that like false advertising? What if they do their hair in whatever style you tell them too, and they end up having some horrible life-altering news thrown at her (or him, I'm not judging)?
The cover advertises good time, all bright and colourful, every model is ALWAYS smiling, as the point I made earlier, if you do this you'll instantly:
                            ~ Get a boyfriend
                            ~ Get a life
                            ~ And; Become a model
Now, I have nothing against that much positivity, I think it's great. But, it sort of sets you up for disappointment. I'm not a 'woe-is-me' type of person, but things aren't always about looks. Like they could look like an ABSOLUTE supermodel with a perfect face structure, but then they could be a b*tch and nobody actually likes them, so a guy would be a little out of the question.
'Glamour' is definitely targeted toward fashion-conscious women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. Considering the cover has minimal writing and looks a little "mature" or very "couture". Also the fact it describes how to have, and I quote, 'lots more fun in bed'. Jennifer Lawrence looks much older on this cover, I'm guessing it's because the magazine is targeted toward older women, and to please them, "make them feel young", they also need an older woman on the cover. I just want to say, this magazine doesn't really appeal to me, so I don't read it, I cannot tell you THE CONTENT OF THE PAGES, or anything like that.
A magazine based on the rock industry must appeal toward rock-fanatics, mostly in their 20s and 30s, but as a guilty pleasure I must admit, I do read it myself. Jennifer Lawrence, on this cover, expresses sort of a sexuality in her pose, making her look like an older woman, like she is in 'Glamour'. But, I really like the colour scheme, the blues and whites really compliment her skin tone.

Monday, 9 April 2012

I AM...the average of them all. April 09 2012

The top 5 people I spend the most time with are(excluding my family, because my household already exceeds the 5 people):
    ~ Nathanael Plett (Riverton, MB)
    ~ Taylor Palsson (Riverton, MB)
    ~ Emma Semchyshyn (Arborg, MB)
    ~ Lauren Airey (Arborg, MB)
    ~ Susan Song (Arborg, MB)
I would say I am close enough to the average of this group of people, I'd personally say Lauren is the most, absolute average, but I'm a severely close second. So in a way Jim Rohn is right, but still he's wrong (I really like saying when people are wrong). The reason I'd say he's both right and wrong is because (suprisingly) these people I hang out with (excluding Lauren) are straight A students with a determined demeanor, I am a straight C/D student with a non-determined demeanor, Lauren is a straight B student. My life is just great.
If the average was done on my family, I am definately the average, right in the middle.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

My Understanding of 100 Items April 4th 2012

If there was only 100 songs that I could possibly keep as of today, they would be the following (I'll only name 3, because really, who can count?)
-"All Along the Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix. This guy is a mean guitar player, he is best of them all.
-"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. Such a catchy song, and 'Teen Spirit' used to be a deodorant, who wouldn't love it?
-"Don't Worry, Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin. My sad song, if I'm sad this is the song that suddenly appears on my CD.
3 Children Stories:
- Green Eggs & Ham- Dr.Seuss (I won't eat Green Eggs & Ham Sam I Am.)
- The Lorax- Dr. Seuss
- Any Scooby Doo books
 TV Shows:
- Repo Games. (My favourite is the "Straight A" student, who when asked, 'Who flew a kite in a thunderstorm to prove lightning was a form of electricity?' She said Bill Clinton. IT'S BENJAMIN FRANKLIN!)
- Sesame Street. (There has to be something for the kids, also this is one of my guilty pleasures)
           Specifically all the songs, stories, and shows I have listed off all are catchy and amazing (In my mind anyway.)